Friday, November 30, 2018

FOX NEWS: Miss Singapore to wear dress honoring Trump-Kim handshake at Miss Universe pageant

"Miss Singapore to wear dress honoring Trump-Kim handshake at Miss Universe pageant" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Wedding guests cover eyes in support of blind bride: 'Everyone really loved it,' she says

"Wedding guests cover eyes in support of blind bride: 'Everyone really loved it,' she says" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Payless fools ‘influencers’ to pay big price for affordably priced shoes at fake high-end store

"Payless fools ‘influencers’ to pay big price for affordably priced shoes at fake high-end store" via FOX NEWS

Thursday, November 29, 2018

FOX NEWS: New York hospitals to repay survivors charged up to $3,000 for forensic rape exams, AG says

"New York hospitals to repay survivors charged up to $3,000 for forensic rape exams, AG says" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Pregnant mom with leukemia finds donor match

"Pregnant mom with leukemia finds donor match" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Black Christmas trees become hottest new holiday trend this season

"Black Christmas trees become hottest new holiday trend this season" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: 11-year-old gets surprise visit from cops after no one shows up to his birthday party

"11-year-old gets surprise visit from cops after no one shows up to his birthday party" via FOX NEWS