Tuesday, December 3, 2019

FOX NEWS: Peloton sparks sexism outcry, mockery for holiday ad showing husband gifting wife an exercise bike

"Peloton sparks sexism outcry, mockery for holiday ad showing husband gifting wife an exercise bike" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2LhwVPa

Monday, December 2, 2019

FOX NEWS: Patrick Kennedy on life after sobriety

"Patrick Kennedy on life after sobriety" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2qfCqGP

FOX NEWS: White House makes patriotism theme of Christmas

"White House makes patriotism theme of Christmas" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2P4Cbqw

FOX NEWS: Amazon customer orders Apple Watch, gets $5 plunger instead

"Amazon customer orders Apple Watch, gets $5 plunger instead" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2LgZEU5

FOX NEWS: Boy narrowly escapes death after metal rod pierces through jaw in horror injury

"Boy narrowly escapes death after metal rod pierces through jaw in horror injury" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2Y7YI9X

FOX NEWS: 'Existential,' 'Climate Emergency' chosen as Words of the Year

"'Existential,' 'Climate Emergency' chosen as Words of the Year" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2DCtSwz

FOX NEWS: Woman's jaw reconstructed using part of shoulder following cancer diagnosis

"Woman's jaw reconstructed using part of shoulder following cancer diagnosis" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2qc15Mf