Monday, August 3, 2020

FOX NEWS: Parents anxiously wait to see if schools will reopen

"Parents anxiously wait to see if schools will reopen " via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Study: College students can safely return to campus if tested every two days

"Study: College students can safely return to campus if tested every two days" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Coronavirus vaccine enters clinical trials as cases surge in US

"Coronavirus vaccine enters clinical trials as cases surge in US" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: 'No silver bullet' against coronavirus, warns World Health Organization chief

"'No silver bullet' against coronavirus, warns World Health Organization chief" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Maine hospital sees coronavirus resurgence after visitors learn of positive test results while on trip

"Maine hospital sees coronavirus resurgence after visitors learn of positive test results while on trip" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Georgia overnight camp sees COVID-19 outbreak as debate heats up over reopening schools

"Georgia overnight camp sees COVID-19 outbreak as debate heats up over reopening schools " via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Health care workers with coronavirus grapple with emotional toll of disease: 'There is a sense of helplessness'

"Health care workers with coronavirus grapple with emotional toll of disease: 'There is a sense of helplessness'" via FOX NEWS