Monday, May 17, 2021

FOX NEWS: Candace Owens: 'Science has been killed by the left'

"Candace Owens: 'Science has been killed by the left'" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Candace Owens slams Fauci: 'Dr. Simon Says' is making it up as he goes along

"Candace Owens slams Fauci: 'Dr. Simon Says' is making it up as he goes along" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Internet baffled by photo of girl seemingly stuck in sidewalk

"Internet baffled by photo of girl seemingly stuck in sidewalk" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Biden attempts to ease mask confusion: 'that's a decision they can make'

"Biden attempts to ease mask confusion: 'that's a decision they can make'" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Will Cain warns 'vaccine passports' are coming

"Will Cain warns 'vaccine passports' are coming" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Scientists call for another investigation into COVID-19 origins

"Scientists call for another investigation into COVID-19 origins" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Perino on new mask mandate: We need to be honest about the politics

"Perino on new mask mandate: We need to be honest about the politics" via FOX NEWS