Friday, May 28, 2021

FOX NEWS: Fauci continues to downplay lab leak

"Fauci continues to downplay lab leak" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Ric Grenell questions whether Biden has been briefed on lab leak

"Ric Grenell questions whether Biden has been briefed on lab leak" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: What to cook for Memorial Day

"What to cook for Memorial Day" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Hanson: Elites use science for ideological and political gain

"Hanson: Elites use science for ideological and political gain" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Victor Davis Hanson argues coronavirus science was perverted for ideological and financial reasons

"Victor Davis Hanson argues coronavirus science was perverted for ideological and financial reasons" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Journalist says threat of license revocation cows doctors into performing gender transitions without confirmed diagnosis

"Journalist says threat of license revocation cows doctors into performing gender transitions without confirmed diagnosis" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Journalist: Doctors afraid of losing license 'rubber-stamp' gender transition, rather than diagnose truthfully

"Journalist: Doctors afraid of losing license 'rubber-stamp' gender transition, rather than diagnose truthfully" via FOX NEWS