Wednesday, October 20, 2021

FOX NEWS: 'Lemon coffee' trend on TikTok shouldn't be done, health experts say

"'Lemon coffee' trend on TikTok shouldn't be done, health experts say" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Unvaccinated Navy SEALs reportedly harassed, intimidated over mandate

"Unvaccinated Navy SEALs reportedly harassed, intimidated over mandate" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Metal detectorist answers call on Facebook to find stranger's lost wedding ring

"Metal detectorist answers call on Facebook to find stranger's lost wedding ring" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: CDC study: Pfizer vaccine is 93% effective against COVID-19 hospitalization in youths

"CDC study: Pfizer vaccine is 93% effective against COVID-19 hospitalization in youths" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: Restaurant owner on Seattle cop shortage: I don't feel safe

"Restaurant owner on Seattle cop shortage: I don't feel safe" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: 5-foot-3 mom and her 21-pound twin babies go viral on TikTok

"5-foot-3 mom and her 21-pound twin babies go viral on TikTok" via FOX NEWS

FOX NEWS: 5 NICU nurses give birth within 1 month of each other: ‘Simultaneous joy’

"5 NICU nurses give birth within 1 month of each other: ‘Simultaneous joy’" via FOX NEWS